Last week someone I knew, told me he met a young Doctor in Bengaluru practicing as GP in a clinic he attended for some ailment. He was intrigued that he shared a common last name as me. He told me that he was very mature in talking, understanding the problems, and diagnosis, and he said being a Gez Z his behavior was way beyond his young age!... Curiosity invoked I asked him which clinic he was talking about and he said Kaggadaspura clinikk health hub.
I was pleasantly surprised, I asked him what was the Dr's name - he told me it was Dr.Visagan Gugan!
I told him that he shared the same last name because he was my SON!
What a coincidence...
This brought to my fore one of my favorite Thirukurral verses.
Kural 69
ஈன்ற பொழுதின் பெரிதுவக்கும் தன்மகனைச்
சான்றோன் எனக்கேட்ட தாய்
When a mother hears him named 'fulfill'd of wisdom's lore,' Far greater joy she feels, than when her son she bore
Plain Explanation
The mother who hears her son called "a wise man" will rejoice more than she did at his birth
For those who do not know Thirukural, a small introduction to this great scripture -
The Tirukkuṟaḷ or shortly the Kural (Tamil: குறள்), is a classic Tamil language text consisting of 1,330 short couplets, or kurals, of seven words each. In short, each Kural is a beautiful poetry of life skill coaching material, the scripture is estimated to be more than 2000 years old, and written by a Saint named Thiruvalluvar.
There are far too many good couplets to quote, but keeping the "Wealth of Children" chapter in focus, the following is a further reference to this great scripture: